FAQ 24. Is this Universalism?

No. Universalism, to most Christians, means that all beliefs are equally valid; all roads lead to heaven. This is not the Blessed Hope which proclaims Christ as the only way to the Father. Many refer to this Hope as “Christian Universalism,” which is accurate. However, many believers in the Blessed Hope use the term “Universalism” when they really mean “Christian Universalism.” Sadly, this causes misunderstanding. The root of the word, “universal,” is a beautiful concept. God loves all universally; no one is excluded (Jn. 3:16). Christ’s blood propitiates the sins of the whole world (1Jn. 2:2)! This is universal propitiation. Every knee will bow in sincere worship of Jesus Christ! This is universal worship – “Christian” Universalism.

All roads do not lead to God; but Christ searches for His lost sheep until He finds them, no matter what road they are on. Ninety-nine sheep out of one hundred is not enough for Christ (Lu. 15:4)!

It is tragic that the Blessed Hope has been maligned by a misuse of the term “Universalism.” This has prejudiced many against this Hope before understanding it. It has historically been referred to as “Apocatastasis,” “Reconciliation,” “Restoration” and “Restitution.” These terms represent the “gathering together in one” of all things in Christ (Ep. 1:10; Strong’s #346). Other terms include: “Larger or Greater Hope,” “Victorious Gospel,” “Irresistible Grace,” “Inclusion,” “Ultimate Reconciliation,” “Universal Redemption or Salvation or Restoration,” “Greater Faith or Hope,” “Paul’s Gospel,” “Biblical or Christian Universalism,” and of course, “Universalism.” There is no single term for this Hope. Perhaps this should tell us something. When asked His name, God simply said: I AM WHO I AM. God is too great to be identified by one term. So is this Hope. We do not emphasize a term, we emphasize GOD!

Some rightly ask, “Is this heretical?” My answer is no. If we are heretics, it is for believing that God is greater than most think He is. Do we uphold the authority of Scripture and the supremacy of Christ? Yes. We elevate both the blood of Christ and His absolute triumph over evil to their rightful place. We proclaim a GOD in full control of His universe – One that loves all people with unending love. We are in every way Christian. Let me be very specific: Jesus came in the flesh, lived and died for our sins, was resurrected, and is coming again. He is the only begotten Son of God and the only way of salvation. He and the Father are one. We worship Christ and our Father in the Holy Spirit. In fact, we magnify Christ’s deity more since we believe that He fully destroys the devil’s works and accomplishes all His will (1Jn. 3:8; Jn. 17:4). His blood is the only power in the universe that cleanses from sin. Many of us have died as martyrs for our faith in Christ! If you do not at least hope God is this great, I can only pray for you. Jesus IS the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Him. He is Lord of all!

We who believe the Blessed Hope are not confined to any one group or denomination. We are simply believers. You will find us in all Churches: Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Vineyard, Catholic, etc. You will also find us outside church walls. Most do not trumpet their convictions for fear of rejection or causing strife and division. This hope is vital in fulfilling Christ’s prayer that His body would be one that the world may know God’s love (Jn. 17:21, 23). At first it will create a stir, like birth pains. But this is necessary to force the Church to rethink its “Hell” driven Gospel. There are tens of thousands of believers in our land, from all churches, who embrace this hope.

Who does not long that God be all powerful and unfailing in love? The Holy Spirit is shining His glorious light on the teachings of the Church. All wood, hay, and stubble will be burned. The fire is kindled! Who, in their heart of hearts, truly thinks most of humanity is destined to eternal suffering? Be honest. Only a small minority insist on this. An eternal hell contradicts God’s character and most will admit it. Who is not repulsed by such a horrid doctrine? No defense of it can truly satisfy us. It is something we have learned to tolerate. We give it lip service, but inside, we block it out of our minds and hearts. How else can we cope? Can you relate? To confirm this, candidly ask your closest friends, those mature in faith, what they really think about humanity destined to eternal pain. You will be surprised at what you find. When the Church, as one body, embraces this truth, it will transform our worship and our witness. The joy that will radiate from God’s people will draw multitudes to Christ.

In closing, if there is any doubt in your mind that the “Blessed Hope” (or “Christian Universalism,” or however you choose to label it) is not truly a valid “Christian” theology, then please read my book, Hope Beyond Hell. You can download it free at HopeBeyondHell.net.

Taken from Hope Beyond Hell pages 232-234


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