Inspirational Articles
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, Rejoice!” Paul could not have said these words unless there was truly something great to rejoice about! And there most certainly is! The “Good News” of Jesus Christ is awesome, great, marvelous, amazing, and wonderful. It’s beyond description! The angel called it “good tidings of great joy which will be to all people!” Paul called it the Gospel of “PEACE…GLAD TIDINGS of GREAT JOY.” The first thing Christ said to his disciples after rising from the dead was, “Peace to you.” And the Apostles returned home with “great joy.” Great joy! (Ph. 4:4; Lu.2:10;Rom. 10:15; Luke 24:36, 52) Friends, there is no bad news in the good news. The following articles will prove this statement true. Enjoy!
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1. Anchor Points to Peace by Gerry Beauchemin
2. Comfort and Hope by Charles Slagle
3. Infinite Reach of Mercy by Mark Eaton
4. Proclamations of Hope from “Hope Beyond Hell” Appendix One
5. Work of the Cross by Ken Eckerty
6. Why Jesus Died by Gerry Beauchemin
1. Anchor Points to Peace by Gerry Beauchemin
The revelation of God’s unlimited power and unfailing love for all people has brought countless thousands of believers in Jesus Christ true and lasting peace. I believe the peace I have come to know in Christ is the result of having applied (even without realizing it) the following critical anchor points in Biblical interpretation. Each of them has solid Biblical support. Our natural human tendency regarding death and judgment always tends toward fear and anxiety. In order to protect our peace, we must make a determined effort to remember the following anchor points as we reflect on the Scriptures. Dr. Terry Schwartz, Prof,, Wheaton College, wrote: “Anchor Points” is in some ways a condensation of “Hope Beyond Hell.” It is great to have these thoughts and these powerful scriptures at hand. Sometimes in music analysis we do a kind of condensation, a stripping off of all non-essentials in several layers until we are left with the harmonic or melodic core. Although every note is important, it is helpful to know what functions as the foundation of the composition. In a similar way, your “points” are a marvelous condensation and summary of the biblical core from which the entire scriptural narrative flows. I loved it and plan to use it often to further establish my faith and grasp of the truth. This is important because I grew up, like most evangelicals believing a huge lie; one that sometimes returns to incite fear. But those days are now few and far between. Hearing the truth does cause my heart to warm to the Lord. I lead a Bible study, home church. I’d like to copy your essay for them to read if you don’t mind…. Anchor points to peace in Biblical interpretation by Gerry Beauchemin
2. Comfort and Hope by Charles Slagle
“When you read the Scriptures do they bring you comfort and hope? If they do not, then perhaps you have yet to understand which passages provide the foundation from which we can understand all else that the Bible has to say. Surely there must be a kind of “core message” that we can discover in the Bible, which causes all of its contents to have coherence. Wouldn’t you think? Otherwise we cannot find comfort and hope in the Scriptures” writes Charles. In this meditation, Charles unfolds a beautiful panoramic view of God’s awesome grace and mercy throughout the Biblical story. Let us meditate on and treasure these truths. CLICK HERE → Comfort and hope by Charles Slagle
3. Infinite Reach of Mercy by Mark Eaton
What is the extent or limit to God’s mercy? Is there a place where mercy is cut off? Mark Eaton presents a wonderful look at mercy throughout the Bible and shows us that His mercy truly is infinite. What more wonderful attribute of God can we meditate on? CLICK HERE → The infinite reach of mercy by Mark Eaton
4. Proclamations of Hope from “Hope Beyond Hell” Appendix One.
Paul exhorts us to meditate on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy (Ph. 4:8). “Peace I leave with you…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Jn 14:27). The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, … (Ga 5:22). “The Kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy…” (Rom 14:17). Peter said, “you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory” (1Pet 1:8). In other words, the fruit of our Christian experience should produce indescribable joy! To make this our experience, let us meditate on, even memorize, God’s precious promises – those of peace and comfort. CLICK HERE → Proclamations of hope from “Hope Beyond Hell” Appendix one
5. Work of the Cross by Ken Eckerty
“Nothing is as powerful, glorious, and life changing as the Cross of Jesus Christ” writes Ken Eckerty. It pleased the Father…and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. (Col. 1:19-20) The reconciliation of all things in every place is the Father’s pleasure. It is based solely on the power of Christ’s blood, shed for all people, and not on man’s works (Tit. 3:4-5). Dare we place limits on what the blood of His cross has achieved, and on what pleases the Father? Was it not the Father’s purpose to reconcile all to Himself from the beginning? He is the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Re. 13:8; See also 1Pe. 1:18-20; 2Tim. 1:9). Notice Col. 1:20 reads “all” things and not “some” only. (Ac. 3:21; 1Co. 15:28; 2Co. 5:19; Ep. 1:9-11; Ph. 3:21). To deny the extent of the power of our Lord’s blood to cleanse and reconcile all creation is a great disgrace and dishonor to His precious blood shed for all. (from Hope Beyond Hell page 129). Ken Eckerty has written an excellent article on the Cross of Christ and its unlimited and awesome power. CLICK HERE → The work of the cross by Ken Eckerty
6. Why Jesus Died by Gerry Beauchemin
This is not really an article, but a brief one page tract which powerfully shows, from a whole list of Scriptures, how Jesus died for the whole world and points to the total efficacy of Christ’s death. This tract is difficult to refute, as it is mostly Scripture. Feel free to copy it for your personal use. It can be a great way to introduce others to this truth. Design, format, print, and use it in your own creative style. (Copyrighted: If you should modify the text, you must remove my name as the author.) CLICK HERE → Why Jesus Died by Gerry Beauchemin