FAQ 20. What of those claiming visions of hell?

What of those claiming visions of hell?

What’s our authority for truth, man’s unverifiable claims to a supernatural experience, or is it Scripture along with God’s confirming witness in our heart?

The Gospel is GOOD NEWS, not terrifying news. (Lu. 2:10; Ro. 10:15; Ac. 10:36; Ph.4:4; 1Pe. 1:8 NAS; etc).God has not given us the spirit of fear (2Ti. 1:7). Joy and peace are fruits of the Spirit, not terror (Gal 5:22). “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Jn. 14:27).

If believing that God is a terrorist is necessary for salvation, then why did God not terrify the Israelites with hell in the O.T.? Why did He not engrave it on tablets of stone? Why was it not found in the numerous judgments of Leviticus and Deuteronomy?

Why did Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, never once mention the word hell except to proclaim its defeat (1Co 15:55)?

If we must be terrified into heaven, why has God not terrified everyone? Is He partial? The Bible says God is “good to all” (Ps 145:9).

It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance (Ro. 2:4). We love Him because He first loved us, not because He threatens us with eternal torture (1Jn. 4:19)!

If an eternal hell were everyone’s destiny, what kind of a God would not warn every man, woman, and child on planet earth and do everything He could to keep them from going there?

When it comes to questions on the afterlife, I will place my confidence in God, not in man.

Taken from Hope Beyond Hell page 229


1 Comment

  1. Sarah
    November 14, 2010

    This is an awesome site, very informative! You are answering questions in a way that fully makes sense to me, questions that I’ve had for many years. Thank you for sharing the Truly Good News!


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