Is this Universalism? by Gerry Beauchemin

Is this Universalism?

No. Universalism, to most Christians, means that all beliefs are equally valid; all roads lead to heaven, Jesus  is not essential, and sin is irrelevant. This is not the “Blessed Hope” taught in “Hope Beyond Hell.” All beliefs are not equal, all roads do not lead to heaven, Christ is the only way to the Father, and sin is very relevant.

Many refer to our Hope as “Christian Universalism,” which is accurate if properly understood. However, many believers in the “Blessed Hope” use the term “Universalism” without qualification. Sadly, this causes serious misunderstanding. The root of the word, “universal,” is a beautiful concept. God loves all universally; no one is excluded (Jn. 3:16). Christ’s blood propitiates the sins of the whole world (1Jn. 2:2)! This is universal propitiation. Every knee will bow in sincere worship of Jesus Christ! This is universal worship – “Christian” Universalism.

All roads do not lead to God; but Christ searches for His lost sheep until He finds them, no matter what road they are on. Ninety-nine sheep out of one hundred is not enough for Christ (Lu. 15:4)!

It is tragic that the Blessed Hope has been maligned by a misuse of the term “Universalism.” This has prejudiced many against this Hope before understanding it. It has historically been referred to as “Apocatastasis,” “Reconciliation,” “Restoration” and “Restitution.” These terms represent the “gathering together in one” of all things in Christ (Ep. 1:10; Strong’s #346). Other terms include: “Larger or Greater Hope,” “Victorious Gospel,” “Irresistible Grace,” “Ultimate Reconciliation,” “Universal Redemption or Salvation or Restoration,” “Greater Faith or Hope,” “Paul’s Gospel,” “Biblical or Christian Universalism,” and of course, “Universalism.” There is no single term for this Hope. Perhaps this should tell us something. When asked His name, God simply said: I AM WHO I AM. God is too great to be identified by one term. So is this Hope. We do not emphasize a term, we emphasize GOD!

Our tradition has indoctrinated us to reject anything outside our theological “boxes.” Everything outside is labeled heresy. It’s the same with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christian denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational, etc.). We are all locked into systems, and only when we question and investigate our beliefs, do we discover greater truths about God. The Lord commanded us to judge for ourselves what is right (Luke 12: 57). And the Apostle Paul exhorts us to test all things (1Thes. 5:21). Will we obey the Lord and not allow the fear of man to influence or control what we choose to believe? (See Gal. 1:10)

I believe that God loves all people everywhere with an unfailing love. There are no restrictions to His love. Christ died for all – each and every person that ever lived. As Adam’s sin affected every human being – so did the death of Christ on the cross. As through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. Romans 5:18. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 1 Cor. 15:22. God has all power to accomplish His will, including His will to save all people (1Tim. 2:3-4). This “Blessed Hope” is the only theology that can truly say:

His mercy endures forever. Ps 136, etc

With God “nothing is impossible.” Luke 1:37

What He desires He does. Job 23:13

He can do everything and no purpose of His can be thwarted. Job 42:2

Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. Rom. 5:20

Christ draws (drags) all to Himself, not merely 1% of humanity. John 12:32

He propitiates the sins of the whole world, and not ours only. 1 John 2:2

All families of the earth shall be blessed. Gen 12:3; etc.

All the earth shall worship and sing praises to Him. Ps. 66:3-4

He destroys the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

The last enemy that will be destroyed is death (all death). 1Cor. 15:26

He is greater than He that is in the world! 1 John 4:4; Etc.

ETC. ETC. ETC. See “Hope Beyond Hell” Appendix I for 186 passages of Hope!

This precious “Hope” is a historical, Biblical, and legitimate theological position just as much as Arminianism (God loves all, but can’t save all) or Calvinism (God can save all, but chooses to only save some). To brand this “Hope” as heretical is unjustified. It is an assault and insult to our fellow believers who throughout the ages have been brought by it into a deep and sincere love of God.

Matthew Slick, a Reformed theologian, with a master’s of divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary and president of Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry states:

“[Christian] Universalism is the teaching that God, through the atonement of Jesus, will ultimately bring reconciliation between God and all people throughout history. It is important to note that holding to [Christian] universalism in itself does not make one a non-Christian.” (1) This quote is particularly weighty since he says, “Studying cults and apologetics is a passion and I have spent more than 26 years doing it.” (2)

As we cannot compare apples and oranges, neither should we who base our faith on Scripture, be classed as unchristian or unbiblical with groups who are not biblically rooted, such as the Unitarian Universalists. We, in contradistinction, uncompromisingly affirm the centrality of the Bible and the Lordship and deity of Jesus Christ. (3)

We differ with the widely accepted “Augustinian traditions” on two key points – God is greater in power and love – that’s it. We uphold the authority of Scripture and the centrality and supremacy of Christ. In fact, we elevate the blood of Christ and His absolute triumph over the adversary to their rightful place. We proclaim a GOD in full control of His universe – One who loves all people impartially with an unfailing love. We are in every way “Christian.”

Let me be specific about my faith. I accept God’s love as most believers do, and God’s power and sovereignty as any staunch Calvinist. Jesus came in the flesh, lived and died for our sins, was resurrected, and is coming again. He is the only begotten Son of God, the only way of salvation. Christ and the Father are one. All things have been made by Him, for Him, and through Him. I worship Christ as I do the Father. In fact, I greatly magnify His deity, as I believe He fully destroys the devil’s works and accomplishes all His will for mankind! Do you? Only almighty God could do that. His blood is the only power in all the universe that cleanses from sin. Jesus Christ is Lord!

Have some of us died as martyrs for Christ? Yes! What more can be said? Why are we sometimes not given the right hand of fellowship or no hand at all? Are we not Christians? What identifies us as disciples of Jesus Christ? There is no question more important. This is why this article is so critical. “By this shall all men know you are My disciples, by the love you have for one another.” (John 13:35) Our love – our self- sacrificing love, is the essential characteristic Christ chose to emphasize! And how do we know what real love is? “By this we know love,” said the Apostle John, “because He laid down His life for us, we ought to lay down our lives for one another (1 John 3:16).”

The vast numbers of us who share this “larger” hope, or “blessed” hope, are not affiliated with any sectarian group or denomination. We are simply believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a “silent” minority active in all denominations – Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Reformed, Purpose Driven, Vineyard, Four Square, Assemblies, Catholic, non-denominational, etc. Most of us do not trumpet our convictions for fear of rejection or of causing division.

It is tragic that most believers have no biblical understanding of the true basis for Christian unity. We mistakenly, unjustly, and all too often harshly reject precious members of Christ’s body. By so rejecting His members, we reject Him. Whatever we do to the “least of these,” we do unto Him. It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a milestone around our necks, than to offend one of His little ones. (Mt. 18:6; Mk. 9:42; Lu. 17:2) This is serious my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Christian unity is not optional. Nor is it a mere lofty sentiment. It’s the burning passion of our Lord! What was most pressing on His heart on the very eve of His crucifixion? In His heart wrenching prayer in the garden, He prays five times that we be one – FIVE TIMES! Meditate on John chapter 17 and count them yourself. (See verses 11, 21a, 21b, 22, and 23) Of all times, He should have been thinking solely of Himself and His impending sufferings. But no, He thought of us, His Body, and longed only that we would be one. And why is our unity so important to the Master? He says it plainly – “that the world may believe” (21a) “that the world may know” He was sent by the Father (23). He ultimately had the world on His heart. Our oneness plays a central role in God’s purpose for the whole world. When will we make it a central theme in our lives, especially our prayer life and act accordingly?

A central doctrine that has divided the Church for generations has been the teaching on “election.” It has created two major camps – those who say God only predestines some to salvation, and those who say God desires all to be saved. How many have been the debates on this theme! The lines are clearly drawn. There is a young missionary in my church who has resigned from an International Mission agency over this teaching. Only the Blessed Hope can resolve this impasse. See chapter five of “Hope Beyond Hell.”

I believe the Blessed Hope is the key to unite the Christian world and authenticate Christ’s servants as divine messenger’s of GOOD NEWS to a hurting world! It exalts and honors and glorifies God’s holy and loving character before the world. No longer can God be accused of being cruel, unloving and unjust. He is fair to all peoples in all nations and throughout all ages (Acts 10: 34-36)! Now, all Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, tribal peoples, and Native Americans can be assured that their deceased ancestors and family members are not being tormented in hell forever! This single truth will transform Christian Missions! It will elevate Jesus to His rightful place as “Savior of the World” (John 4:42) and through Him as such, bring GOOD NEWS of great joy to all people – Luke 2:10. “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). “I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world” (John 12:47). Did He succeed? Absolutely! “I accomplished the work you gave me to do” (John 17:4). “The Son of God came to earth with the express purpose of undoing the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8 Phillips Modern English). Did He succeed? Absolutely! “Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God” (Phil. 2:9-11). “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world” (1 John 2:2). “We testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of Peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Rom. 10:15). How beautiful are your feet? Jesus is the “Savior of the World!”

As this precious truth becomes more and more accepted in the Christian world, it will create a stir and provoke opposition as it is now doing. Many warn that this teaching is a false teaching prophesied for the last days. That breaks my heart. The false teaching is the teaching that denies the GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY FOR ALL PEOPLE. But this resistance is necessary, like birth pains if you will. It will force the Church to re-evaluate the Scriptural basis for its tradition of everlasting punishment. Does it line up with the Word of God and His moral witness in each human heart? There are tens of thousands of believers in our land who embrace this truth and it is expanding throughout the world through the internet. You will find believers in this Blessed Hope actively serving Christ in all Christian churches and outside of structured religion as well. It’s just a matter of time before we all come out of the closet! Why?

Almost all believers in Christ long and hope that God be truly all powerful, with inexhaustible and unfailing love for all. Who in their heart of hearts, believes beyond the shadow of a doubt, that most of the world is destined to eternal suffering as tradition up to now has maintained? Only a small minority would insist on this. An eternal hell contradicts God’s character, and we all know it. Who is not repulsed by such a horrid doctrine? No defense of it satisfies us. It is something we have learned to tolerate and live with. We give it lip service but inside we block it out of our minds. How else can we cope? Can you relate? To confirm this, candidly and non-threateningly ask your closest friends, those who are mature and have had time to think through their beliefs, what they really believe about hell. You will be surprised at what you will discover. I was.

When Christians recognize and acknowledge the comprehensive biblical basis for our hope, and are assured that it is a viable theological position, stripped of any disrespect and scorn, I believe it will once again become the prevailing theology of the Church as it was in the early centuries. If you do not hope in your heart of hearts that this theology is true, I can only pray for you. In the very least, please do not judge or condemn those who accept it. I leave you with some thoughts from Billy Graham:

“In Graham’s view, the core message of the Gospel, and the love of God ‘for all people’ should take priority. But more recent years have given him something he had little of in his decades of global evangelism: time to think both more deeply and more broadly….He refuses to be judgmental thinks God’s ways and means are veiled from human eyes and wrapped in mystery. ‘There are many things that I don’t understand,’ he says. He does not believe that Christians need to take every verse of the Bible literally; ’sincere Christians,’ he says, ‘can disagree about the details of Scripture and theology—absolutely’. He is arguing that the Bible is open to interpretation, and fair-minded Christians may disagree or come to different conclusions about specific points. Like Saint Paul, he believes human beings on this side of paradise can grasp only so much. ‘Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror,’ Paul wrote, ‘then we shall see face to face.’.’As time went on, I began to realize the love of God for everybody, all over the world,’ he says. ‘And in his death on the cross, some mysterious thing happened between God and the Son that we don’t understand. But there he was, alone, taking on the sins of the world. I spend more time on the love of God than I used to.’ When asked whether he believes heaven will be closed to good Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or secular people, though, Graham says: Those are decisions only the Lord will make I believe the love of God is absolute. He said he gave his son for the whole world, and I think he loves everybody regardless of what label they have.” (4)

Let us follow Rev. Graham’s lead and refuse to be judgmental, believe the love of God is absolute, acknowledge His ways are veiled from human eyes and wrapped in mystery, and spend more time contemplating the love of God. In the very least, let us shun a dogmatic attitude that thinks that only what “we” affirm is truly biblically based. Dare we condemn our fellow believers for believing that God’s power, love, and mercy are greater than we are willing to accept? Dare we condemn them for believing the Bible to mean “all” when it says “all.” Are all things really possible with God? Some of us think so.

The Holy Spirit is shining His glorious light on the teachings of the Church. All wood, hay, and stubble will be burned. The fire is kindled!

Now that I have discussed the meaning of the term “Universalism,” let me introduce you to a work that provides an exceptionally strong defense for our hope – Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin D.D., (1890). Allin was a clergyman of the English Episcopal Church and ministered in North London in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His works includes Race and Religion and The Augustinian Revolution in Theology (1911). This is the most comprehensive book on this topic I have read. It has many times brought me to tears as I realized how loving and awesome God really is. Note that Allin uses the terms “larger hope” and “Universalism” interchangeably for “Christian Universalism.”

Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin D.D.

One final thought:

Is it “faith” in Christ, or “faith” in an eternal hell that makes us true Christians? The Apostle Paul pleads with us in these words: “I implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ep. 4:1-6 NAS)

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that your will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Ro. 15:13 NAS

Gerry Beauchemin Author of Hope Beyond Hell – The Righteous Purpose of God’s Judgment

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(1) Slick, Matthew.
(2) Slick, Matthew.
(3) Amirault, Gary.
(4) Meacham, Jon. Newsweek Magazine. 14 August 2006.
Excerpt from interview with Billy Graham.




  1. John Krauss
    May 10, 2011

    Gerry, well said. In Ephesians 4:1-5, Paul entreats us to keep the unity of the spirit. Notice he did not say to make unity. It is already there,
    connecting believers in the body of Christ. However, denominational walls were put up long ago which makes unity difficult–to say the least!
    Denominations and local churches like to print statements of faith–in case someone wants to know whether they will be welcome there. These statements divide people and stifle the recovery of truth. And, truth must be recovered considering what was done to it after the first 3 centuries A.D. The dogmas and traditions of men are still a plague. Innocent, naive people are deceived by church authority today—but these millions need to wake up! There is little excuse for not searching to see what Scripture actually teaches: Is God the Savior of all mankind, and will the blood of His Son reconcile the whole universe back to Him? OR, Is god weak and well-intentioned, and really a failure? Is he a fiend who punishes his own creatures endlessly? Is he defeated by Satan and human will?
    Of course it was difficult to find truth during the dark ages. Yes, ignorance was vast, and religious tyrants dominated. But especially in the past three centuries, there has been a recovery of ancient manuscripts, and much evidence on all subject has come to light. How blessed we are to have concordances like Wigram’s, Strong’s, Young’s, and versions like Concordant Literal New Testament, Young’s Literal, Rotherham’s, etc.! We have access and the tools to look into the Hebrew and Greek, and see how and why God chose His vocabulary and grammar. And it also helps to realize that the Scriptures were not given only for the religious authorities to interpret–they are for us, the common folks! And to make real progress in increasing our faith and realization of God and Christ, avoid authorities (who don’t like questions anyway), and search for yourself. I have noticed that when calling disciples in 30 A.D., Jesus did not select from the Sanhedrin, Scribes and Pharisees.

  2. Scoop88
    May 19, 2011

    John, your thought are well put. Your view of how religion has affect many over time is not revision, it is true. And you are correct. I have at my fingertips a computerized software system designed for Bible study which includes a long list of manuscripts and translations and commentaries that would have staggered the best scholars of the past two thousand years. We are just regular guys, but God has given us to live in this time of information. We have no excuse for not looking into His things for us. So thanks for your comments John, they are encouraging words.

  3. Jerry Wm Bowers Jr
    June 25, 2011

    It is Universalism, no matter how others try to redefine it. I’ve read the book and Gerry is a Universalist, as is Rob Bell (Love wins) They just try to smooth it over with diversionary tactics and redefining Universalism.

    Whether all WILL BE saved, or all ARE saved; both ARE Universalism.

    Many wish to confuse Unitarianism (All roads lead to God) with Universalism (All ARE or WILL BE) saved; which explains the existence of Unitarian Universalism (All roads lead to God & All ARE or WILL BE saved)

    1. admin
      March 14, 2012

      Dear Mr. Bowers,
      Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion; it is appreciated. My reply is to you and all visitors to this page who may have the same thought as you have. My article explains carefully the “kind” of Universalism that I do not associate myself with. I do not believe that all “roads” or “religions” lead to Heaven. That is what most Christians think of when they hear the term “Universalism.” Though all roads do not lead to Heaven, Christ (who is the only Way, Truth, and Life) will seek His lost sheep UNTIL He finds them no matter what road they are on. (Read “Hope Beyond Hell” for a detailed study that explains why I say this.) This is what I believe. So then, I do not consider myself a “Universalist” because of how most believers define that term, though I realize in theological academia the term means everyone will be saved, sooner or later, so in that sense I can be considered a Universalist – but in that particular sense only. Sadly, that is not the sense that most Christians hold regarding this term. It would be absolutely misleading for me to call myself such. Calling myself a mere “Universalist” without any qualification would stripe me of my identity in Christ in the eyes of my fellow believers and thus, I would be perceived, by many, to be some kind of a heretic which I most certainly am not. So you see how serious this is? To be accurate, I am a person who believes that Jesus is an all powerful good shepherd who does not fail to find His lost sheep. I accept the label Christian Universalist, or Biblical Universalist, or Evangelical Universalist, or better yet, I am a Jesus is Lord and the only Way and Truth and Life Universalist. I am a Jesus Follower Universalist. Salvation is only through Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord. I am a Christian. People may label me the way they want, but I will label myself the way I think is most accurate. Finally, this is not a debate forum, so please do not reply to my reply on this page. This public discussion ends here. However, if you do want to reply to me in private, you may email me at Feel free however to comment again on any other item you wish on this site. Your comment is very appropriate as many people do see it the way you do and you have given that view expression. I thank you for that.
      God bless you Mr. Bowers,
      Gerry Beauchemin

  4. Jerry Wm Bowers Jr
    June 25, 2011

    I’m curious:

    Gerry writes “Our tradition has indoctrinated us to reject anything outside our theological “boxes.” Everything outside is labeled heresy. It’s the same with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christian denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational, etc.”

    Why isn’t Judaism mentioned?

    1. admin
      March 14, 2012

      This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. No other reason.

    2. Pastor Lubanga Lubanga
      May 17, 2012

      Response to Jerry Bowers’ comments:

      The Bible is very clear about the subject of salvation of all mankind. I am not sure why people like Jerry find it so difficult to see this. I just wonder sometimes if one ever thought that it might be him who can end up in hell. Will it be OK for him to be there eternally? Hell is not a place you can wish for your worst enemy to be there. No one has ever chosen to be saved; I am not sure where this teaching came from. The Bible is very clear that no one can come to Jesus UNLESS the Father draws him; that is what the Book of John says. Paul also clearly tells us that salvation is a gift and that not can boast about this. I therefore do not understand the people who go around boasting about their salvation, as if it is from them. If one is truly saved, one cannot boast. Jesus The Christ will draw all men to Himself, at His own time and each man in his own order, 1Cor15:22-23 tell us this. Why is then so difficult to beleive that Jesus will do and accomplish what He came to earth to do.

  5. Bill Quick
    October 8, 2011

    Are we not adding to the confusion, to those who are new to the subject of Universalism, by denying that the Blessed Hope has historically been understood as Universalism. It seems to me we should embrace that label and use it to educate people to the difference between true Christian
    Unviersalism and Unatarian Universalism. The disciples didn’t avoid the word Christian because many misused and misunderstood what true Christianity is. I would hope all Universalist could come out of the closet and stand up for the truth God has given us. How incredible it is to understand the truth of Universal Salvation of all humanity. I often wonder why God has allowed me to understand, while others do not.
    I am truly grateful to God and to people like you for writing books that make God’s truth so clear.


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